

My name is Ryley. I go by ryley-o.eth online. I am a smart contract engineer at Art Blocks, where I get to help bring the visions of many amazing artists to the blockchain. I love all things having to do with NFTs and crypto, and will be using this site to post some of my more detailed thoughts and opinions about the space. I will also be using this site as a home for some of my art projects.

Before working for Art Blocks, I was a commercial airplane designer and engineer at The Boeing Company. I’m formally trained as an aerodynamicist, so I hope my mixed background gives my posts and art a unique flavor!

I’m a father, husband, engineer, and generative artist. I’m very passionate about living generously and including everyone. As the father of someone with Down Syndrome, I am inspired every day, and constantly reminded of how amazing each of us can be if we love and care for those around us.